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<root>­/­mirrors­/­amigascne­/­Scrollers­/­F-Groupstext­/­Flash Production/FP-DanishKnowHow.txt

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2011-09-04 23:04:40
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 credits for part coming up             
   name     floffy3                     
    code      by   vixen                
    charset   by   warca                
    logo      by   vixen                
    logo 2    by   a no one and pride   
    music     by   gonzo                
   name     jolly scrolly               
    code      by   gonzo                
    music     by   gonzo                
    logo 1    by   denon                
    logo 2    by   a no one             
    charset   by   gonzo                
   name     neurotic bar                
    code      by   yamato               
    music     by   gonzo                
    sprites   by   yamato               
    charset   by   yanato               
    examples  by   yamato               
                     assisted by vixen  
   name     end screen                  
    code      by   freagle              
    music     by   gonzo                
    logo      by   a no one             
    charsets  by   the pride            
    drawings  by   freagle              
  see ya all in our next masterpiece    
   and remember to check                
              digital concert 4         

  howdy fans ...   this time we hit you with       d a n i s h   k n o w h o w       PPPP   another masterpiece from flash production and this time it was released at the kefrens . dexion party in nykobing  denmark    during the weekend of 17. and 18. feb. where it is supposed to take part in the democompetition                hey girls  im yamato and it is currently me that is funking my fingers over the keyboard for your pleasure              the thing about this megademo that surprises me the most is the fact that it almost completely was made during the last week before the party             and since i cant think of anything better its time for the credits for this loader    ..  ..  ..    all the amazing graphics you see in this loader was drawn by our gfx guy denon who is not present here at the party      and  the loadersystem was coded by me yamato and i also managed to play this fab tune which was composed by our musician gonzo            oh by the way   have i told you that we . flash . beat dexion in football with 3 to 1   .in kickoff.             well after that important piece of information i havent got much more to say so see ya later .................                       

DAO            C  yop dudes...  we rule the world of coding...........D and finally weC hit you with another stunning production called.....                FE   danish  know-how   DLN           Cright now it is the creator of this demo who is writing...           -- gonzo --     DK                   F    credits for the demo ... - coding   musix   chars by gonzo - logo by denon and a      BE C   right now we are at - vixens - place... it is the sunday before the dexion-kefrens party...  we are all coding as hellD - so we can finish allC parts before the party..D...........C.       some personal messages flying out to ----F                        A  E nosah of dougnut cracking service  E    hello friend....  looking forward to see the next issue of      --- stolen data ---  DJ      C i will soon send lots of music for the stolen data disk magazine... and the intro - but as you can see am i busy with our megademo....    catch ya later dude....               hello parson of dcs. i see that ya have joined dcs.... quite cool move baby...   your demo is under development - but i use much time coding my game and composing music for flash - but - the demo will arrive bfore the summer arrives here in little denmark -- joke --    greets to the rest in -- d.c.s. --   talk to ya later michael.........                        F     E  a last hello must go to --mach ii-- of flash production....  good luck with your game.......   see ya in the summer..........           see ya all in my next production -- digital concert iv --          signed by gonzo    KD  C                        O                                                 S

                many do this          A                          some even do this          B                          but now i do this          C                              well, lets roll the examples   here we go        D                             hey stop slobbering, and read this scrolltext       hi there, im yamato and i am the guy behind this masterpiece in coppermanipulation         if your glasses have already fallen out, i can asure you, that this is copper every 4 pixels and not like the normal 8 pixels                    the reason why i have no more than 52 coloumns is that it takes up quite some time to move all the color-values up and down in the sinemovements          if you are interested in how i have made this possible, i will reveal it later in the text        but for now i will proceed with some personal messages        and the first one goes to stargate from upfront (but also to the rest of upfront) .. i am happy to see that you guys have finally found out, that the 64 is a dead machine with no future and have advanced to more power (amiga)            ofcourse i also send out a special yohogo to my few contacts round europe . keep sending guys          end of messages           what now ......          ah, i promised you the trick .... well ofcourse i wont tell you exactly how to do it, coz then i could just as well give you my source, but some hints ....  the basic trick is to accumulate copperspeed and thats why i only use the centerpart of the screen, infact i only use 50 percent of the possible copperarea, and during the other 50 percent, the copper does nothing, and so i use the saved time in the middle, and therefor the copper move twice as fast   ..  thats the theory in it, now you all you have to do for yourselves is to code it, but if any of you succeed, remember this       i was the first !!                   ah, i got a message from gonzo, and he confirmed to me, that we are preparing a digital concert 4, with some of his best tunes to choose between, so just stay  tuned  (did anybody get that one .. )                 well, im getting bored of this, so therefor i now hand over da keyz to      the pride        go  .....      howdy heres the pride speaking....    im sitting here at the flash production hq....   its midday and saturday the 17th of feb. on the kefrens and dexion pardie   there are only a few well known groups here like trilogy .. vision factory .. rebels .. and ofcourse kefrens and dexion but last and not least flash production.....     now some personal messages to some of my best friends....    hi bruce lee of acme  .. i hope you will like the music ..   hi sargon  .. cool grafix ..     hi speedy of visual arts   .. stay cool you weird guy ..  hi genius of no limits  .. hope you like this megademo ..   hi zark of triangle  ..  hi the amiga freak of trilogy  .. im glad you like my evolutions ..   behind me yamato is standing and screaming something about when i will finish this scroller...   so i will leave you here....    stay cool       act cool        bye       yours the pride......           hway, im back again (me yamato), but only to tell you, that this is the last words in this text, so now lets wrap it .................                    

                  this party demo will be released at the kefrens copyparty in denmark      today it is sunday morning and i am very tired    all the other guys in flash production is asleep    we are represented by seven freaks        vixen   gonzo   a no one   yamato   commando   the pride   and me      what do you think of all my small cute drawings down in the corner    it took quite a long time to draw em    lots of cool groups has entered the party       groups as    vision factory   unique   dmob   rebels   dexion   arcane   warfalcons   and so on      einstein of the warfalcons wants to take over     yo suckers     thiz is einstein of the warfalcons   i have a message to everybody    make sure to get our new demo released at this party      thanx to einie     have everybody got our new music disk called     digital concert iii     if not    contact flash production           a few personal hellos must go to      fox of dominators      nosah and parson of doughnut cracking service     spiderman of xfactor     all from silents                         i have to pack this part now so i have to go          signed   freagle of flash production                                                   restart                                        

 yo  fans.. you reached the   end part of this party demo                                   first i will fire of     the credits. these guys made the demo become reality!!                                 the pride  for both charsets   a no one for      logo         gonzo  for      music                                     our greets goes to                                            specials to                 acme   bounty                  byterapers              complex   crusaders             dcs  top swap               vision factory                visual arts                                            normals to contacts                                          contact flash                                               po box 77                   58oo nyborg                    denmark                                           i think i have to end now  coz there is only three          hours before the demo        competition ends                       see ya all                                      freagle of flash prod